品牌实力荣获官方认证 | LTMG机械集团荣获 “出口商品品牌证书”





In March 2024, LTMG Machinery Group was awarded the Certificate Of Export Commodity Brand issued by Xiamen Sub-Council of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (hereinafter referred to as "Xiamen Council for the Promotion of International Trade"), which not only recognizes the company's influence and credibility in the international market, but also marks an important step forward for the company to enhance the competitiveness of its products in the export market. This honor not only recognizes the company's influence and credibility in the international market, but also marks an important step in enhancing the competitiveness of its products in the export market, which lays a solid foundation for the company to further increase its global market share and customer trust.




厦门市国际贸易促进委员会 (厦门贸促会) 是贸促会和中国国际商会 (CCOIC) 的分支机构,是由厦门经贸界代表人士,企业,协会和团体组成的全市对外经济组织。其目的是遵循政府的政策和法令。厦门市贸促会 (贸促会) 与世界各地区开展民间经贸往来,促进对外贸易,利用外资,引进国外先进技术和开展多种形式的中外经济技术合作,促进厦门与闽南三角及世界各国经贸技术关系的发展,增进厦门与闽南三角及世界人民和经贸界的相互了解和友谊。




此次,厦门市贸促会 (XCPIT) 依据《中国出口商品品牌评价规定》T/CCPITCSC 015-2023团体标准,对我市申请出口商品品牌进行了审核认证,并从资格条件出发颁发了《中国出口商品品牌证书》,研发创新能力、国际认证、市场认可、知识产权保护、全球化经营、信用体系、社会评价、部门惩戒等九个维度。我公司申请出口商品品牌审核证明,并出具《出口商品品牌证明》。出口商品品牌证书是中国贸促会商业认证中心和中国国际贸易促进委员会商业行业委员会推出的中国出口商品品牌评价服务,其合法性和有效性已被政府、海关、世界200多个国家和地区的商会和企业,并在海外得到广泛认可。



The award of "Certificate Of Export Commodity Brand" is a recognition of LTMG Machinery Group's outstanding performance in market competition over the years. This certificate not only symbolizes our company's popularity and credibility in the domestic and international markets, but also is a powerful tool to strengthen its international market expansion and brand promotion. Ms. Zheng XueQing, the management of the company, said that being awarded the "Certificate Of Export Commodity Brand" is the result of the team's joint efforts, but also a feedback to the company's partners and customers from all walks of life for long-term support. In the future, LTMG Machinery Group will continue to dedicate itself to the improvement of product quality and service level, to meet the growing needs of customers and to contribute more to the development of the industry.

